Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

[REVIEW] Arashi ni Shiyagare 2017.05.27

Arashi ni Shiyagare 2017.05.27

Guest : Oda Nobunari, Matayoshi Naoki, Women Japan Representative Ice Hockey Smile Japan

The first segment was "This is MJ', and the challenger was Oda Nobunari, a former figure skate athlete. He participated in This is MJ because he wants to change his image, since he famous with crybaby image. And Matsujun said that he doesn't think that he will lose.

And this is the opening talk of This is MJ.

Then Matsujun asked is he a type of person who likes train his body. Oda said he's not good at physical education (even though he was an athlete). Then Matsujun asked him to run, his running figure is so funny. And Matsujun said that Oda run with his face first then his body.

The first showdown was Pattisier Showdown. They have to make a cream rose. Oda said that he has a good feeling about it, but the result Matsujun won this showdown.

Then the second showdown was Restraint Action Showdown. Here, they must beat the bad guys with their foot since their hands is being tied up. And since Oda is a former athlete, he has a flexible body. At the end, the winner of the second showdown was Oda Nobunari, the teacher said that he has a good balance.  And Matsujun feels frustrated because he lose.

And the last showdown is Circus.  When they practicing for the circus showdown, they provide us a video. The first was "how to cut rolled sushi", then "how to find the tip of wrapping plastic", and "how to erase a permanent marker on whiteboard". Then the winner of the last showdown was Oda.

Matsujun said that he will take rehabilitation, so he wants the staff to call Muro-kun.

Next segment was a project that brought by the guest, Matayoshi Naoki. The title of the segment is "Literature courses for those who do not read books". The first course is "Absolutely won't miss, how to select a book!".

Matayoshi : Everyone, first of all, what do you choose as a standard when you buy a book?

Matsujun : The contents.

Sho : For me, I usually choose from a book review in newspaper.

MC : I see. Please wait, only the two of them have an interest. What happened with you (Leader, Nino, Aiba)?

Matayoshi : What happened? Are you okay?

MC : Only these two who pay attention to this segment.

Sho/Matsujun : Thank you.

MC : Is the teacher stands here? (Because Leader, Nino, and Aiba keep looking at the floor, the MC ask this question)

The first thing to do is select from literary award-winning works. When the teacher explaining about this, Leader wasn't pay attention, and Nino saw it. Then the teacher suggested how if he change the segment with fruits basket segment (I don't know what he means with fruits basket). Then they continue with the explanation and I don't really understand it. And when the explanation ends, Aiba asked a question.

Aiba : Eh, well then, the people who work in bookstores must find it difficult. That person must read the books, right?

Matayoshi : That's right.

MC : Wait, your question is a bit weird. It's a bit rude when you said that the person who works in bookstore must read the books. Your question's quality is too low.

Aiba : I'm sorry. 

MC : Then how about the butcher, did they choose the meat based on the vote?

Then they showed the ten-year grand prize work. And there is Nazotoki Dinner no Ato de on that list. After saw that, Sho stand up and say, "Hello everyone, do you know? In 2011, Nazotoki Dinner no Ato de, me, Sakurai, they let me starring this works".

And when the teacher show how to choose the book (from the bookshelf), Sho busy finding something. Then I know that he's been looking for Nazodi's book. And he ended up promoting the Nazodi movie, then the teacher folows him by promoting his own book. Also, Sho promoting the News Zero too (such a ridiculous man, LOL). Then they continue with book's explanation and I found it too boring.

Then, they continue with the lesson titled, "Metaphor expression class".  Here they must fill the blank part of the sentences that written on the book. They must guess what the writer think about it.

The first sentence and Aiba have to answer it is:
"I stood in the hallway and I listened carefully for a while. But I could not hear anything any more. Everything was dead. It was a perfect silence like a [BLANK]."
And Aiba's answer is here.
"I stood in the hallway and I listened carefully for a while. But I could not hear anything any more. Everything was dead. It was a perfect silence like a [you plugged in the highest quality of earplug].

The second sentence and Sho have to answer it is:
"I am writing this letter at the outdoor cafe in the back of the alley of Rome, sipping a thick  espresso coffee that like a [BLANK]."
And Sho's answer is here.
""I am writing this letter at the outdoor cafe in the back of the alley of Rome, sipping a thick  espresso coffee that like a Matsumoto Jun."
(He means the coffee is thick like Matsujun's face)

Next, all the member have to answer the third sentence.
"When I went to her house for a marriage proposal, her parents' reaction was terrible and cold. It was like [BLANK]."

First is Sho's answer:

"When I went to her house for a marriage proposal, her parents' reaction was terrible and cold. It was like Elsa's wounded heart that made everything  around her freeze."

Second is Aiba's answer:

"When I went to her house for a marriage proposal, her parents' reaction was terrible and cold. It was like you put the nitrogen over the night body."
When the teacher explains about the sentence that made by Aiba, Aiba just say, "Sou, sou, sou, sou", that means "Right, right, right, right".

Third is Leader's answer:

"When I went to her house for a marriage proposal, her parents' reaction was terrible and cold. It was like a died fish."
Leader also answer with "Sou, sou, sou" when the teacher explains.

Fourth is Nino's answer:

"When I went to her house for a marriage proposal, her parents' reaction was terrible and cold. It was like I can see the exit but I can not arrive home."
Here, Nino also answer with "Sou, sou, sou" when the teacher explains, so the MC said that "sou" is forbidden for this segment.

Last is Matsujun's answer:

"When I went to her house for a marriage proposal, her parents' reaction was terrible and cold. It was like the tea that was brought out had frozen."
Here, even though "sou" has forbidden, Matsujun still answer the teacher's explanation with "sou".

Then the last segment is Arashi Hideout Place with the Women Japan Representative Ice Hockey Smile Japan as the guest, and Nino as the MC. Here they talked about the ice hockey, and they also play a small game about Ice Hockey. And at that game Nino lost, and he must do the monomane.

3 komentar:

  1. Thank you Ellena for this :)
    Relly enjoy This is MJ for this episode..

  2. THANK YOU!!!!!! for reviewing/translating it cuz I couldnt understand it ARIGATOU!!!!


[REVIEW] VS Arashi 2017.07.27

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