Senin, 01 Mei 2017

[REVIEW & DOWNLOAD] VS Arashi 2017.04.27

VS Arashi 2017.04.27

Opponent Guest : Teiichi no Kuni Movie Team
Plus One Guest : Kikuchi Ami, Fujita Nicole

Today's opening talk theme is about Aiba and his drama again. And I made a translation to it, check it out guys.

The first showdown was Kicking Sniper, and the opponent team challenges first. They got 190 points, and Nomura scored 2 perfect score. He said that Ryoma-kun didn't score any points even he was a soccer player. Ryoma said that it's because of the pollen. And Nino said that Ryoma did a guts pose even he didn't score any points.
Then, the Arashi team's turn. The Heaven's Voice said that in the New Year Special, Kikuchi scored 3 perfects points. And here is her answer.

And the Heaven's Voice asked, "Since there are so many handsome man, which one is your type?". Then Nicole and Kikuchi choose Suda Masaki as their type.

And Sho said that his friends called Suda Masaki as Kanda Masaki. And Suda agreed with Sho, there are so many people who say his name wrong. Because Suda can also read as Kanda.

And from Kicking Sniper, Arashi team got 270 points. The perfect score cames from Leader and Matsujun.

Then, the next showdown was Cliff Climb, and the opponent team challanges first. The climbers were Nomura and Shison. They both have a good motor nerves. Matsujun also agreed that Nomura have a good motor nerve, and Matsujun also said that Nomura is a high spirit man.

And then for Shison, he is starring the drama, Kimi wa Petto, that is a remake of the older version.  And Shison play for pet role in the new version of that drama, meanwhile Matsujun was the pet for the older version. And Nino asked question to Shison.

Shison also said that his uncle is the songwriter of Arashi's song, Hadashi no Mirai. And then Nino said, "Shison-kun is that kind of kid, right? He is a good kid". Whereas before he said that Shison is an irritatted boy.

From Cliff Climb, the opponent team got a perfect score, 400 points. Nicole said that Nomura is like a monkey.

Next is Arashi team's turn, and the climbers were Aiba and Nino.

Heaven's Voice : Well, Ninomiya-san, today's cliff is a hard level.

Nino : Well, right now it's not about the points, right? 

Aiba : Right.

Nino : At today's third recording, doing cliff climb with young people, I want you to evaluate this things.

Aiba : After this, we also have to perform our song.

Nino : Well, you know, at this age, if you opens your mouth, only complains will come out.

Matsujun : Stop it!

Nino : It'll become like that.

Aiba : We're not a high spirit man, we're a grumbly man.

Then, the Heaven's Voice asked about Arashi's school life, have they ever joined a club or something. Nino said that he was in broadcasting club when he still an elementary student. And from Cliff Climb they got 390 points, they can got perfect score but Aiba forgot to push the point button.

And the next showdown was Bound Hockey, and the opponent team challenges first. Then, Suda said that they're in early twenties, but Mamiya said, "I'm sorry, please don't say early twenties". Then Chiba replied, "I'm in late twenties". 

Chiba : I will turn to 28 soon.

Nomura : You already an old man.

Matsujun : If you say that he is an old man, how about us?

Nomura : I'm sorry.

I must admit that Chiba Yudai have a baby face look, he doesn't look old at all.

And their team got 280 points from this game.

Next is Arashi team's turn. Sho suggested to change his position with Kikuchi.

Sho : Kikuchi, are you okay there?

Kikuchi : Eh?

Sho : Isn't it better if you give the pass to Matsujun?

Kikuchi : I think that position is important enough, right?

Sho : Well, during the Kicking Sniper you did it badly right, if you didn't do the recovery it'll bad for you. Come here.

Kikuchi : Are you serious?

Sho : Now is the time! Eh, what, what?

Kikuchi : I've participated many times in this show, but I've never seen any player exchanges in this game.

Sho : It's okay.

Kikuchi : Massan (she called Matsujun as Massan) is scary, you know

Matsujun : I'm not scary.

Kikuchi : Massan is scary but kind.

Sho : Which one? He's scary or kind?

Sho : Or maybe it's like disguisting but cute?

Nino : So, we can conclude that he's kind.

Then, they talked about the story between Nicole and Kikuchi. And when Kikuchi starts to explain, everyone are not interested in it. Matsujun started to sit, and Nino leans his body to the table.

And from this game Arashi team got 190 points. Also, the opponent team were amazed with Matsujun's movement when he made a goal.

The last showdown was Bomber Striker, the opponent team did a good play and scored high points. So, it's hard for Arashi to catch them up. Last, Arashi team lost and the opponent team won.

Then the translated video is here.

Download : Mega
Watch : Dailymotion

4 komentar:

  1. Thank you so much for this <3

    1. You're welcome :)
      Thank you for visiting my blog too ^^

  2. Hi. Is the video of vs arashi teichi no kuni casts no longer available?

  3. hi, i see the video is no longer available. I wanna know if you can tell me where can i watch the video?


[REVIEW] VS Arashi 2017.07.27

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