Sabtu, 03 Juni 2017

[REVIEW] VS Arashi 2017.06.01

VS Arashi 2017.06.01

Opponent Guest : The Stage Play (because the title of the stage play is too long)
Plus One Guest : Cocorico

I just translating the talk part of today's episode.

Opening Talk

Sho : So today June 1st is Photograph's Day. Let's talk about the things that often happens when we take a photo shoot.

Aiba : They will take it until the limit. Until become very compact.

Sho : Ah, when they take the five of us?

Aiba : Yes, when we together.

 Sho : That happens.

Aiba : Everyone will be very close this much.

Nino : That's right.

Sho : It is much closer than the generally required distance.

Aiba : That's right.

Sho : Speaking of that, Aiba-kun's hurdle is very big, right.

Matsujun : His smile level, right.

Sho : Right. They take photo with 100% smile of us, right. But, for Aiba-kun's case, they will say, "Aiba-san, please smile a little more".

Aiba : That's right. When I take the photo with all of you, I wrinkled so much.

Nino : It'll become like that, right.

Sho : Well that happens. But your smile is stable, right.

Leader : Well.

Nino : He really really stable.

Sho : Please look at the camera.

Leader : I only do this. Matsujun is also good, right.

Matsujun : Depending on Aiba-kun's point, maybe I just do it 60%.

Aiba : He's not smiling.

Nino : From your point of view, it's not a smile?

Aiba : He's angry.

Sho : Matsumoto-san please let us take your photo.

Leader : It is permissible with that.

Sho : We often see that pose. And  Aiba-san who standing beside him, what kind of smile do you make?

Aiba : This is incredible.

Sho : Ninomiya-san, how about you?

Nino : Well, I'm mostly placed in the back. In the back, I and Leader were told to climb the blocks. That's because you three are tall.

Leader : Yes, your height.

Nino : Even though we can go to the front, they keep telling us to go to the back. That's why there is always a blocks like this.

Leader : Yes, right.

Sho : You go up on a pedestal.

Leader : Even though I've climbed up the pedestal, I still have to tiptoeing.

Talk during the Kicking Sniper game.

Heaven's Voice : You have been working together with Ninomiya-san, right. Do you have any impression about him?

Abe : Well, we couldn't get so much close, but we went to eat together in a short time and we get a bit close. I remember when we went to Muro Tsuyoshi's house whose also worked together with us, and we ruined his room then went home.

Nino : Well basically Muro-kun is a person who everyone can mess with him easily, that is his special character. At that time, we went for drink together, and at the end we decided to continue drinking at Muro-kun's house. I went there with Abe-san, and I don't know why Abe-san suddenly took out the delivery.  That is a play called go home without confirming first. Muro-kun had to pay for a mysterious delivery.

Heaven's Voice : Then Moriyama-san, I heard that you want to say thank you to Matsumoto-san.

Moriyama : Yes, that's right. Thank you very much for come and watch my stage play, I always couldn't say that.

Matsujun : No, no, no.

Moriyama : He also came to Kyoto to watch it.

Matsujun : That was a stage play that only played in Kyoto.

Sho : At that time, you watch it, go for eat and go home?

Matsujun : Right.

Sho : At that time, were you being together with Moriyama-kun who starring the stage play?

Matsujun :  No, I wasn't together with Mirai-kun but I went eat together with the producer.

Sho : Well Matsumoto-kun, maybe you will participate in the closing party of a stage play with people you don't know, right?

Matsujun : Yes.

Sho : Well, I don't know whether it's rude or not, do you ask them like, "How if we go eat together?".

Matsujun : Not always, when I went to watch Narushi-san's stage play, he asked me to go for a meal together when I come to him for a greetings. I haven't work with him at all, but I went for a meal with him many times.

Sho : That only happens for Matsumoto.

When the Arashi's turn for Kicking Sniper, the Heaven's Voice made a confession that he got married the other day. And Leader sneaked into the Heaven's Voice room to gave him a flower bouquet. Sho said that Leader is a flower bouquet uncle (he means that Leader is uncle who delivers the flower bouquet). Nino thought that it may be noisy at the opening because Leader was not here, but the opening starts without any noisiness. Then when Leader come back Nino said, "We just talked that we were worried because you were not here".

Then Nino talked about his episode when he starring a stage play in 2005. The stage play took place in Osaka. And when he went for a meal together with everyone, they said that the yogurt at that restaurant is really delicious and they told Nino to eat it. Then, Nino tried to eat it and it really really delicious. Nino keeps eat the yogurt in the middle of the meal. After that, his digestion became very active. And during the show, he have to go to the toilet no matter what. When he was not there, his co-star made an ad-lib for Nino. Meanwhile Nino is in toilet and thinking that this is really dangerous.

Talk during the Baloon Shoting game.

They talking about the one of the member of opponent team, that he always go home fast after his job is done, and Heaven's Voice asked Sho.

Heaven's Voice : Sakurai-san, between Arashi's member there is one person that very fast at dressing, right?

Sho : Maybe it's two person, Ohno and Ninomiya are fast. Maybe Nino is faster?

Leader : Yes, Nino is slightly faster than me.

Sho : It also happen in concert. After we finished the concert, we always take a shower. When we get out from the shower, he already left. 

Nino : My question is, "Why you still there?", right.

Nino : The worker at the company also ended at the fixed time, right. Will you drink the Sake at your working place? No, right? They usually go for a drink on the way home, right? That's why I do such a thing. Ohno-san, that's true, right?

Leader : Yes, that's true. Just people around us are unusual.

Then they talked about, "Did you ever lend something to someone else?". Then Sho talked about when he and Nino lent their "suke-suke costume" to Matsujun during the concert. Sho lent him the bottoms, and Nino lent him the tops. Then, when they get on the stage, Matsujun become complete while Sho and Nino became half-half.

Then Matsujun also said that they get each other stage drink during the concert. Then Sho said, "You receive whose drink? I don't know about it". Each member of Arashi have different stage drink, and each member have their own Shinkou-san (a person who watch the progress of the member). Matsujun said, "When my Shinkou-san is not around me, and if there is another member's Shinkou-san there, I got the other member's drink a little".  Aiba said that he also didn't know about it. Then Sho said that it's an organized crime. And Leader said, "Stop doing something as you please". Then Nino said that Leader have a small heart.

During the Catch Around Daiba game, at the first round Arashi's team got high points thanks to Aiba's "Pon Pon" strategy. And at the second round Arashi's team failed because of Leader's "Pon Pon Attack" strategy.

And then Arashi didn't forget to promote Aiba's drama again.

4 komentar:

  1. Hellooo Ellen!

    Otsukare-sama deshita!

    Thanks for your very fast translation!

    Haha they didn't win this episode of VS arashi because of just one pin :-( Hope they improve on Bomber Striker as it's new game. The "pon pon" strategy by Aiba made me laugh a lot during that game. LOLZ

    Thanks again and keep up!

    Anonymous -Orange11-

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog ^^

      And they blame Leader because of Leader's failed strategy during the new game XD

      I'm glad that you enjoying my blog :)


[REVIEW] VS Arashi 2017.07.27

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