Sabtu, 04 Maret 2017

[REVIEW] VS Arashi 2017.03.02

VS Arashi 2017.03.02

Opponent Guest : Team Fast Runner
Plus One Guest : Fujimoto Toshifumi, Aoyama Thelma

Taday's VS Arashi
Sho : This is a corner that is made to ask many episodes of life that happened to Arashi's member. Good evening!

Nino : So this is not an opening but a corner?

Sho : What I want to ask today is, have you've been scolded recently? Probably not recently, but something that left in your memory.

Nino : I see. I've been scolded when I was a Johnny's Junior. At that time, there was a scary choreographer, isn't it?

Sho : Yes, yes, I know.

Nino : He was really famous. It's about something that I was scolded by him. The one that I remember the most is, when you practice, there were so many juniors lined up, right?

Nino : "You there, move a bit to the outside!", he said. What he meant was me.

Nino : And then I moved as he instructed. Then he said, "More here! More here!". Since we didn't know how much is the "more" distance, so I was did it for many times.

Nino : And because we didn't understand each other, he become irritated and said, "Who are you?"

Nino : I answered, "I'm Ninomiya!", he replied, "I don't know!".

Sho : "You don't know me?"

Nino : I've been scolded because he doesn't know me.

Sho : I also have been scolded by that person too very straightforwardly. When we were a junior, we practice together, so there were 20-30 persons behind the choreographer, right?

Sho : At that time, there is a junior who was with me. He made a really funny joke, so I laughed at it since it was very interesting. 

Sho :  There is a case when the person who made a joke didn't get yelled at, but the person who laugh did.

Sho : The choreographer said, "Oi, Sakurai!". 

Sho : Do you know what he said to me? He said, "I'm sick of you"

Sho : I was surprised, usually you'll say, "Do it properly!" or "Do it seriously!" right?

Nino : Or "Don't laugh!"

Sho : I'm sick of you? It's surprisingly.

Nino : If we get scolded, it'll become like that, right.

Matsujun : Right, it'll become like that.

Then, Sho introduced the opponent guest and the plus one guest. After the plus one guest arrived, Matsujun curious about the relationship between the two of the plus one guest. And Fujimoto explained that Thelma is a good friend of his wife, and his wife introduced him to her. And now they become a good friends too.

The first challenge was Pinball Runner. The first runner was from the opponent guest and a member of A.B.C-Z, Tsukada Ryoichi. He said that when he was in elementary school, he has quick feet. His friends told him that he ran like the wind.

When Tsukada was asked if he have a good relationship with his team's captain, he said yes. Even more, they have a same tank top. Tsukada wants to show it, but his jacket's zipper get stuck. Finally he took off his jacket and showed it. 

But, before he start the game, there was a substitute. The opponent team changed their runner from Tsukada into Suzuki. And they got 190 points.

The next runner from Arashi Team was Sho. And the person who is responsible as the heaven's voice, asked Sho, "For Sakurai-san, how is your experience about sport or relay?".

Sho : I was slow in the short distance running. 

Matsujun : But, if you change the condition, he will run very fast.

Matsujun : There was a game, when we have to run in a short distance. And if you fail, you have to do sky diving. At that time he was really fast!

Sho : It is dangerous if you feel your danger.

And the heaven's voice asked Thelma about what kind of person Fujimoto is. Thelma said that he easily cried when he was scolded by his wife. Then, Thelma and Fujimoto talked about Fujimoto's home life. When Fujimoto and his wife quarreled, Thelma accompany them to make up from 3 am until 8 am. 

Sho complained about Fujimoto that frequently said, "It's wrong! It's wrong! It's wrong!", because it makes him confused. Fujimoto said that he have to said it since Sho run into a different direction. For this game they got 180 points.

And the next challenge was a special challenge, it's called 10m Dash Battle. Each member of each team have to run for 10m, and the team that have the least time is the winner.

Sho talked about the opponent team who had been warming up until now. Then Fujimoto said, in contrast to the opponent team, Arashi didn't do anything earlier. Aiba said that the corridor is very cold, so they want to go back faster.

The first runner was Aiba from Arashi Team. Nino said that Aiba is the ace of their team.

Heaven's Voice : Do you have confidence in running?

Aiba : I have. I rarely run in my utmost.

Nino : He can't. He can't run in his utmost.

Aiba : My legs can't take it. (It means that his leg will fall off his body)

Aiba : Until now, I never run in top speed. Because I think it'll be dangerous for me, I decided to hold it.

The result, Aiba's time was 1.94 seconds.

The next player was Takei Sou with time 1.68 seconds, he exceeded Bolt that have time 1.85 second. But he said, that Bolt have reaction time, in Takei case he can start whenever he wants.

Third runner was Nino.

Nino : I have a quick feet, you know. When I was in elementary school.

Nino : For 50 metres, maybe my record time was 6.5 seconds. I was really really fast. When I was 4th grade, I was a relay player.

Sho : Why did you become like this now?

Nino : Everyone, please be relieved.

The result, Nino's record time was 2.28 seconds. Everyone laughed at it. Nino runs like a girl, so cute.

When the Fujimoto's turn comes, he did a strange warm up. Sho asked what is that, then Fujimoto answered that he imitated the dance of Fukkatsu LOVE. Everyone laughed at it. And the result, Fujimoto has the same time record with Sho, Fujimoto said that it's amazing.

Also when Leader's turn comes, he didn't have any motivation to do the challenge. Fujimoto said that it'll be okay since Leader is a Ninja, he can moves fast (he is referring to the Leader's upcoming movie Shinobi no Kuni). Leader replied, that scene was a wire action, so it's impossible for him to run fast. Since Arashi Team lose, they wants a handicap. So Leader received a handicap, he takes a few step behind the start line. Leader's record time was 1.77 seconds. Sho said that he is the fastest in Arashi Team, Leader don't believe it and said, "I was fast?". And the winner of this challenge was the opponent team.

The next challenge was Cliff Climb. They talked about how amazing is Takei's car. They talked about how he pay the car, one of the opponent team member said that he pay in cash directly. Takei said it was nothing compared to Arashi. Nino replied that Arashi pay with onigiri. The result, opponent team get 320 points and Arashi team get 315 points.

The last challenge was Kicking Sniper. The first challenger was the opponent team, they get 300 points. The next challenger was Arashi team, they get 370 points. So, the winner of today's VS Arashi is Arashi Team.

At the closing, Tsukada repeat his not-funny joke again. And Nino said, "Can you quit the agency (Johnny's)?", since he had embarrassed the agency.

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[REVIEW] VS Arashi 2017.07.27

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