Minggu, 05 Maret 2017

[REVIEW] Sakurai Ariyoshi The Yakai 2017.03.02

Sakurai Ariyoshi The Yakai 2017.03.02

Guest : Hiromi, Dan Mitsu, Niidzuma Seiko

For today's show, I just reviewed the corner of Hiromi. Sho mentioned that he and Hiromi have known for long enough. Hiromi agreed with it, he know Sho when he still a kid. They both did a TV program called "Hachi-ji da J". At that time Hiromi still 33 years old. And the oldest junior was 16 years old, the youngest still in elementary school. There were around 60 junior in that TV program. 

Sho : If we speaking about Johnny's Junior, there are so many type of children. There are some obedient child, there are also delinquent child. There are so many type of children.

Ariyoshi : When you was doing that show, maybe that was a time when you start hate Takizawa-kun.

Sho : I didn't hate him, really. Wait, enough, this will be on Internet News again.

This time, there was a corner that made for Hiromi. The title of the corner was, "Hiromi's Johnny's Ranking of Good Guy and Black-hearted Guy". The person whose included to the ranking was only 6 people, because they have deeper relationship with Hiromi. Sho was afraid to peel of the sticker. Ariyoshi said that is embarrassing when you peel yourself off.

They start from the second ranking, it was Ikuta Toma. Hiromi said that at that time Toma was really small and very cute. He really likes to teased Toma since he was really cute and his voice was cute too (before his voice changed). He also went for a meal with Toma in private. Since Hiromi knows Toma when he still a kid, when they drink alcohol together, Hiromi always ask, "Is that okay for you to drink a beer?".

The third ranking was Matsumoto Jun.

Hiromi : When he was a cute child too. I believes that every junior will become a star, but Matsujun was the only child that have a star-sense. 

Sho : Do you still often hang out with Matsumoto?

Hiromi : Yes, sometimes he calls me, we met at a drinking place by chance, even though something like that is bothersome.

Sho : Why does it bother you?

Hiromi : Since he is an energetic person, and I'm already old, above 11 P.M. I'll reach my limit.

Shimazaki : You feel sleepy

Hiromi : Right. He often asks me to go for a drink after I finished my work, well I also have been asked him once. I said to him that I want to go home for real. Matsujun said, "I see, okay then on taxi". I said that it's enough, we'll get on different taxi since our house are apart. You should go home by yourself, and I will go home by myself too. After I'm being kidnapped, I said, "Jun, please let me go home".

Ariyoshi : Even he did such a thing, he still on the good guy ranking.

Sho : What kind of ranking is this?

And the forth ranking was Aiba Masaki.

Hiromi : When we did the Hachi-ji da J program, I called him Super Idol Aiba-chan. I know that everyone will become an idol. But I never expected that he really become a super idol. 

Sho : For Aiba case, there are a lot of people who called him Aiba-chan. The first person who called him Aiba-chan was Hiromi-san when Aiba was a junior.

The fifth ranking was Ninomiya Kazunari.

Hiromi : Nino was a person who really likes daydreaming. I speak the truth. It doesn't mean that he is sleepy, but he was a person who has a blank stare. When I asked him what did he do everyday, he answered, "After I got home from school, I'm daydreaming. When I realized, it have become night". 

Sho has prepared to say "Oi!!" when he peel the fifth ranking, since he thought that he will be on fifth rank. But the reality is different.

The first ranking was Takizawa Hideaki. When Sho peel the sticker off he shouted, "Oii!". Everyone has predicted that Takizawa will be on the first rank. Sho said that Hiromi and Takizawa have a close relationship. Hiromi said that everyone has considered Takizawa as older brother. He always doing things wholeheartedly. Ariyoshi also said he really feels that Takizawa is a person whom being respected by many people.

Before continuing the next ranking, Sho said that at least he wants to be included into the rank. Because he was on the outside of range ranking. It means that Hiromi didn't include him into good guy rank. 

Sho : I'm not on the sixth rank?

Hiromi : No, because after fifth rank there are Kanjani's member or Yamashita, and so on.

Sho : What does this mean?

Hiromi : Sakurai was really a yankee at that time, even he is a smart boy. How to say it, since everyone has a same age, and he wants to sell himself, and he really wants to be a star. He was an older brother who stood a little differently. I really did not expect him to be like this now.

Sho : As Hiromi-san have said, at that time everyone wanted to try their best, but I wanted to quit. So, at that TV program, I want to become interesting person and be different compared with the others. I tried something different from the flow, when everyone went there, I went to another direction. Well, it was difficult to handle.

Ariyoshi : That's why you're not being included to the good guy ranking.

Hiromi : Right, since there were so many kids, so it was hard to handle them.

When Sho wants to continue to the next ranking, his feet stumble over the boardfeet. Ariyoshi shouted, "Look, you really angry!". It was so funny.

And for the black-hearted guy ranking, everyone get on second rank except Sho. Hiromi said that between the five of them he can't given a ranking, so everyone except Sho get on second rank. And then Sho said, "Everyone, can you let me go home?". Then, Sho peel off the first rank, and his name was written here.

Hiromi : Well, if I didn't give him first rank it's a bit....

Sho : I'm not happy with it!

Hiromi : Well, everyone has a bad side, but it's because Sho was stood little differently. He did it because he can study on his own, he also a smart person, and he is a type of person who doing while thinking. That's not mean that he really went to the wrong path.

Sho : I used to be a fashion yankee at that time.

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