VS Arashi 2017.03.16
Opponent Guest : P to JK Movie Team
Plus One Guest : Bakarythm, Ogi Hiroaki
As always, they started with opening talk. Today's opening talk was about graduation ceremony.
Sho : This month is graduation season.
Nino : I see.
Sho : Everyone, I want to ask you about your memories of the graduation ceremony?
Matsujun : Memories of the ceremony?
Nino : Was the TV camera can enter?
Matsujun : It was.
Nino : You were in what mode? Student-mode or Arashi-mode?
Sho : Indeed.
Aiba : Did you wear makeup? Or not?
Matsujun : I didn't wear makeup.
Nino : Ah, you didn't wear makeup.
Matsujun : I didn't wear make up, but I didn't think that I can graduate from high school.
Nino : Oh~
Matsujun : My friend, Shichinosuke, also didn't think that he can graduate. And he said, "It's sunny and we graduated". Then in the morning, I went to the place where I always cut my hair there and said, "Please set up my hair!"
Sho : It's like a woman who participate in wedding ceremony, right.
Matsujun : That's right.
Matsujun : After the graduation ceremony is over, it's not a press conference, but they congratulated me, and I said thank you.
Aiba : From there you were in "on" mode, right?
Matsujun : Yes, I'm in the "on" mode. At that time only.
Nino : How about Sho-chan?
Matsujun : You were like this (imitate Sho's pose) in the entrance ceremony, right?
Sho : Right, right, right.
Matsujun : Were you?
Sho : Right, it was like what happen to Matsujun. Like there were real reporter come to see my ceremony, right? Yes there were some like that.
Nino : Eh~
Sho : Right. There was a big hall, and since there were so many people that I didn't know, I can't take many photos with my parents. Then, people from the agency came and they took photos of me and my mother at a school building where nobody was there.
Nino : Eh~
Aiba : That's the point, right.
Sho : Have you ever experienced it? Your second button was taken by a girl.
Leader : At that time, my heart was really pounding.
Sho :Ooohh~~ Unusually.
Leader : You know it, right? Morita Go-kun's (V6's member) button all gone, right? I saw it too. And I think I will finally become like that.
Nino : Since you are in Johnny's.
Leader : The girls usually ask for the button when we go out from the room, right. Then I walked majestically, but no one asked me.
Then, they welcomed the guests.
When the plus one guest came, Sho said that he met Bakarythm in the morning.
Sho : We met earlier in the morning, right?
Ogi : That is the most thing that we shouldn't do, you know.
Bakarythm : By coincidence, we rode the same elevator.
Sho : Right!
Bakarythm : I thought, "Ah, dangerous!". But because he didn't react to anything, it means he doesn't notice me. And I acted being a staff like this.
Sho : I tried to greet you 3 times. But when I look at him, he looked the other way.
Bakarythm : Dangerous, dangerous, I would be scolded.
The first game is Kicking Sniper. Before the game started, they talked about Nishihata, a member of Kansai Johnny's Junior.
Kamenashi : Since our team have two members of Johnny's, we will do our best.
Sho : Who is the other one?
Nishihata : Me. I'm Nishihata.
Sho : He is Ninomiya's children, right?
Nino : He is a Ninomiya's believer.
Sho : You likes Nino, right?
Nishihata : I really like him.
Leader : What do you like from him?
Nishihata : Ehm... I don't know well now...
Everybody laughs.
Nishihata : One thing is, I like the existence of Ninomiya-kun.
Matsujun : What makes you like him?
Nishihata : When I watched a drama, Ninomiya-kun did the role who I thought it's cool.
Matsujun : What drama?
Nishihata : Ryuusei no Kizuna.
Nino : Only the role is cool.
Heaven's Voice : I heard there are four-character idioms that Nishihata-kun likes.
Nishihata : Yes. Ninomiya Kazunari.
Then, since the drama's theme is about police, the Heaven's Voice asked the guest's manager about a secret that only manager knows about it. And it's started from Tsuchiya. Her manager said that when she sleep on the car, her .neck bent more than 90 degrees.
And the opponent guest team got 190 points from Kicking Sniper.
Because Nishihata can kick the cans perfectly, he received praise from Nino.
Sho : Ninomiya-san, one word for him.
Nino : Let me give you 20,000 yen later.
Next was the Arashi Team's turn. Before they started the game, Heaven's Voice asked Aiba about Arashi's secret that only Aiba knows about it.
Aiba : There is one.
Ogi : Eh? Me? You can't reveal it.
Aiba : It's not Ogi-san.
Ogi : I hate a person who reveals my secret.
Aiba : It's about Sakurai Sho-kun.
Aiba : Isn't it amazing, his schedule management.
Ogi : He's manage it properly.
Aiba : He's manage it properly, but there is something that surprised me. He also knows my schedule.
Aiba : My private schedule, you know. When I was going to visit a famous shrine and I got on the train and an e-mail came from Sho-chan. An e-mail that he sent to me is, "This person is the priest tomorrow" and a two shoot of the priest and Sho-chan.
Ogi : That's scary.
Aiba : I thought, "It's a lie, there's no such a thing". I think maybe he heard from his manager, and he sent that photo for a joke. But, the next day when I went there, that priest came to see me. The priest didn't anything wrong, but I unconsciously shouted, "Uwa!"
Ogi : Why? Why you do such a thing?
Sho : Well, various information comes to me. Apparently, tomorrow Aiba Masaki seems to go to a shrine. I guess it is easier for people to understand if I sent a photo of me and that priest.
Aiba : Scary, scary, scary. Isn't in amazing?
And the rest of Arashi's member agreed with Aiba.
From Kicking Sniper, Arashi Team got 250 points.
The next game was Pinball Runner, and the opponent team challenge first. And the runner was Kamenashi. His secret was also being revealed by his manager.
Heaven's Voice : For such Kamenashi, we also asked his manager about the secret that only manager knows about it. The manager said, "He recently replaced his bed".
Sho : Mr. Manager~!
Sho : Did you change the size? I don't think people would replace their bed much often.
Kamenashi : I started living alone since I was 19 years old, and I'm using the same bed from that time. But, I want to change to a bigger and fluffy bed. I always wanted to buy it, and now I managed to buy it.
Ogi : If you give us such an information, I can let you go home.
(I won't talk about Murakami's secret, Murakami is a member of opponent team)
Then, the opponent team got 130 points.
Next is Arashi Team's turn, the runner was Aiba. Then, the Heaven's Voice also asked the same question.
Heaven's Voice : I also asked this to Aiba-san earlier. Is there any Arashi's secret that only Matsumoto-san knows it?
Ogi : Please tell us the strong one.
Matsujun : The strong one!?
Sho : How if you tell them about someone's address?
Ogi : I want to hear it. I want to send him a crab.
Matsujun : I don't know whether this can be aired or not.
Ogi : Ah, that's good.
Matsujun : Aiba-kun is...
Aiba : Eh, wait, please stop tell them about something that can't be aired.
Matsujun : There is a lamp that Aiba used it in his house.
Aiba : Oohh~~
Matsujun : A lighting maybe, that lighting is the electricity of a ventilated fan.
Aiba : That's why I put on the table, and it become like this right.
Matsujun : There is electricity that will suck the smoke. We agreed that it was very good. Then, I asked Leader, "What do you want for your birthday present?", and he said that he wants that lighting. So, I gave it to Leader as present. And when I want to give it to Leader, I searched it on the internet, and I also want it, then I decided to buy it too.
Sho : So, you three have the same lighting? Such a weird group.
Ogi : Later, please tell me the model, I will buy it too.
(I won't talk about Ogi's secret)
And Arashi's Team got 140 points.
The next challenge is Cliff Climbing, and the first climber was the opponent team. Here, they talked about Tsuchiya and Nishihata. But the things that I found interesting is about Nishihata.
Sho : When did Nishihata-kun enter Johnny's?
Nishihata : In 2011.
Aiba : Did you become a backdancer for Kanjani8?
Nishihata : No. For Johnny's West.
Sho : Have you ever danced behind us?
Nishihata : No, I haven't.
Sho : You always come to our concert, right?
Nishihata : Yes, I am.
Aiba : Indeed.
Matsujun : Isn't he amazing? He always send an impression message to our staff, right? Then, our staff showed it to us, it's not a word that a teenager would use. He write it very properly.
Nishihata : I sent such a message not to be rude to them.
Sho : In contrary, when we look at the text we become frightened, right.
And the opponent team got perfect score, 400 points.
Next challenger was Arashi Team. The climber are Leader and Sho, but they are seems to be depressed since the opponent team got perfect score. They talked that until now no one has climb the cliff with a smile. Ogi said, "After we saw them, now we just see the uncles".
The Uncles |
Then the Heaven's Voice asked Kamenashi, have he gone to eat sushi with Leader or not. Then Kamenashi said that he haven't gone yet.
Leader : The timing, right.
Kamenashi : Once, I tried to match up our schedule, but the shooting was shifted each other, and it didn't goes well. Well, because I think that he is busy during shooting.
Sho : You always shooting all the time, right.
Leader : That's right.
Matsujun : You're not shooting all the time.
Bakarythm : He just doesn't want to go.
Kamenashi : But, he really want to.
Leader : I really wanted to go. He also said that he will treat me.
Kamenashi : Since I received a picture from him, I want to thanks him.
Leader : Because I want to be treated in perfect time.
Nino : If that so, tell us about under what conditions when you in the perfect time.
Leader : On a completely holiday.
Sho : The physical condition?
Leader : About 36 degrees.
(We didn't ask for your body temperature)
Sho : You may not measure it every day, right.
Then, the Heaven's Voice asked Sho about Arashi's secret that only Sho knows about it.
Sho : I'm not sure if this a secret, maybe this is something that I haven't talk on TV. Well, you know that Arashi's member give birthday present to each other. Maybe about 3 or 4 years long, only Ninomiya Kazunari gives me camouflage goods continuously.
Bakarythm : Why? Why?
Nino : He said that he likes camouflage goods.
Sho : At that time, I got sneakers from him. The sneakers is full of camouflage. In one shoes, there are blue camouflage, red camouflage, and green camouflage.
Nino : Even digital camouflage also there.
Sho : Last year was a sunglasses.
Nino : Yes, sunglasses.
Sho : Two years ago was rucksack. Right now, if I wear it, I will turn into almost camouflage.
Nino : But I haven't give him the tops and pants. He's about to become a soldier for five years now.
Sho : My closet become a soldier's closet.
Arashi Team got 395 points, but because Sho cheating, the score reduced 30 points. So, they got 365 points.
Sho : Well, honestly I also know it but I still did it. I know that maybe later they will scolded me, but I still did it.
Nino : A person who looks like a ghost is watching you now. You can't do a bad thing.
The last game is Korokoro Viking, and the opponent team started first, and they got 220 points.
The next challenger was Arashi Team. Like before, the Heaven's Voice also asked Nino about Arashi's secret.
Nino : Well, I can't say that this is about Arashi's member. This is about myself. Well, you know that I don't go out much, right. I'm living for 2 or 3 days while sitting on the cushion and crossed my legs. After it, when I tried to stand up, my legs' hurt so much. Then, I went to hospital, and asked them to check it. They said that because I cross my legs too much, it sprained.
Bakarythm : It's not only hurt, but it's huuuurt.
Sho : It's dangerous.
Nino : I didn't dare tell anyone, because I know that they will blame on me.
Sho : It's because all your fault.
And for the last, Heaven's Voice asked Leader about Arashi's secret.
Leader : Maybe Matsujun. He gave me the lamp as a birthday present. Honestly, I haven't use it yet.
Matsujun : I understand it. I also haven't use it yet.
Sho : Eh? Why?
Matsujun : I can't turn in on when I'm alone. If I didn't called somebody to come at my house, I can't turn it on.
Ogi : It's such a nuisance if give something like that.
Matsujun : He said that he want it.
Then, Arashi Team got 170 points from Korokoro Viking. So, today's winner was the P to JK team.